Saturday, June 8, 2013

My excellent adventure: a photo essay

Lunch with Katherine, Richard, Jan & others after the panel.
I had a fabulous time at the American Humanist Association conference last weekend. I met so many terrific people it made my head spin. I'll be writing more about it, but I wanted to put some pictures up.

My new friend Katherine Stewart, author of The Good News Club: The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children & panel speaker. Also a lot of fun to party with.

Dancing badly with Matt Harding of Where the Hell is Matt? fame

View from my room balcony... 667 which meant I missed...

                                         one room. Damn!

Sean Faircloth, Director of Strategy of RDFRS & great guy.
Janet Heimlich, author, activist & friend extraordinaire
Some bought, some brought, all lugged through the airports...but ALL signed!!

Life is good in San Diego
Foreground: Seth Asser, great friend & MD
Amazing. Do I look dazzled? What an honor.


I was accosted by a Christian Science practitioner in Old San Diego. Fortunately I was able to out run him.
The link to the panel I was on: RDFRS panel, AHA conference 2013.